Agriculture is the primary source of livelihood for about 58 per cent of India’s population. Gross Value Added (GVA) by agriculture, forestry and fishing was estimated at Rs 19.48 lakh crore in FY20(PE). Growth in GVA in agriculture and allied sectors stood at 4 per cent in FY20.
Rural development is the process of improving the quality of life and economic well-being of people living in rural areas. According to 2011 Census 68.84% of population lives in villages
The economic impact of digitalization of rural India is far and wide, we believe in digitalization of rural areas to improve quality of life.
Rural Digital Center fill the gap between Developed urban areas and Developing Rural Areas through supplying Agriculture Inputs, Banking, Insurance. Revenue, Education related services through Digital platform. and creates employment to rural skilled youth.
We provide all banking services like Deposit, withdrawal, Bill payment etc. in coordination with Several Nationalized Banks, RRBs, and Private Sector Banks Through Digital Platforms
Depositing and Withdrawal of amount in Bank account through digital wallets
Payment of Electricity bills
Recharging of Mobile phones DTH etc.
Payment of Insurance premium Like Crop Insurance, Tractor and other vehicleInsurance etc.
People can visit the Rural Digital Center at any point of time
Providing all Revenue, Education and other related documents and Applications through digital Platform
Agriculture Income certificate, RTC, Caste Certificate, Aadhar Card Etc
Applying to Educational Institutions, and Scholarships etc.
Procurement of Farm produce:
Procurement of farm produce in co ordination with government under Minimum Support Prices announced by the central government from time to time
Milk collection center;
Collection of milk from the farmers and supplying to the Milk product factories
Role of sun foundation in the project
Sun foundation will actively involve in following process to set up Rural Digital Centers
Base line survey:
Sun foundation conducts base line survey to know the Market potential for the success of the project, we collect information about Agriculture cropped Area, Irrigation sources, Number of land holdings etc, distance of urban area from the village, number of house holds etc.
Identification of Employees:
We identify the rural skilled youth to run the Rural Digital Centers
Training to the employees:
Initial Training to the employees for efficient handling of Rural Digital Centers
Providing financial assistance through Banks:
Providing financial assistance to RDC by approaching Bank for Fixed and Variable costs
Conducting Kisan melas:
To create awareness and provide technical know-how to Framers we will conduct Kisan melas in rural areas
Maintaining of Input hubs:
We will maintain Input hubs at central point to supply of Agriculture inputs timely to the farmers.
Liaison with Government:
We will maintain liaison with all the government departments and NBARD to smooth running of Rural Digital Center
Capacity Building:
Innovative Continues capacity building training programs to the employees of RDC tomaintain Quality in RDC services in rural areas